Thursday, October 1, 2009

The UNESCO Poster

Hi everyone,
Today, i wanted to share with you the poster that was designed to promote an UNESCO conference about Deserts and Desertification that will take place here in Israel next November, featuring a photo of mine that was taken about 35 kms. from home.
These trees in the photo are victims of the five years long drought the country is experiencing as a cause of the global ambiental change that is felt all around the globe. the 2008 rain season summed up to 3 mm. of rain only.
As you all might have noticed, i am very sensitive to the environmental issues and i take pride in being able to do my share for such a cause.
I truely believe that awareness is a key component in controling global warming and that the small actions we can all undertake as individuals, to not only use and abuse our home, but also give something in return, can make a difference.
May conferences such as this one bring us a step forward towards a better tomorrow.
all the best, Guy.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Working from home - a reality !

Hi again !
Today i made my first sale over the Internet. it is a big day for me.
it actually means i am on the way to cracking the secrets for living the life i always wanted for myself. it means i could work from anywhere really. all it takes is an Internet connection.
i could live in Spain, Iceland, New Zealand, Switzerland... anywhere !
Just like everybody else, i was sceptic before i started. there are many scams around and it just sounds to good to be true (and possible).
i have been learning the subject for about a month now but i only started a week ago, only one week. it is easy ! it takes some nerves and some thinking, but anyone can do it.
if anyone wants to hear more about it, please feel free to write me to my Email, i would love to share what i've learned.

Mile stones of my photography - part 2

Hi everyone,
this time, the photo i chose to share with you has a disturbing graphic content and this is why i've put the grey circle over it.
if you want to see the original, use the following link:

This photo was taken back in 2006 while taking a horse breeding course. as part of the course we traveled to different establishments over the weekends and discussed different aspects of breeding, treatments etc. on this specific ocasion we visited a military establishment and were going through a session with the base veterinarian. this horse was stepped on accidently by another horse while practicing some jumping excercises. he was wounded by the horse shoe and was brought over to where we were at, for the veterinarian for treatment.
I took several photos and only when i got home and had time to look at them on the big screen, i realized what actually happened there that morning.
It is hard for me to put in words why i like this photo, it is dynamic with the water gushing from the hose, it is disturbing with the blood flowing from an open wound, impacting, the kind of photo that makes you look at it even though transmitting something unpleasent.

See you soon with some more mile stones, no more of this kind, promise !

Saturday, September 19, 2009

photography and trees

Hi everyone,
just a short post with some updates.
my photos did not get to the podium in the MINISPACE competition this time and i want to thank all of you that took a minute to enter and vote for them.
atmosphere was amazing, artists complimenting one another and some real inspiring work. results should be published soon, so keep an eye, it should be interesting.
also, i was amazed of the exposure my blog got during the competiotion. i suddenly had visits from Egypt, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Germnay just to name a few. overwhelming. over 250 visits yesterday alone !

now that the competition is over, i came across a portfolio that attrected my attention and i want to share it with you. Felix Finkbeiner, 11 years old from Germany is teaching us all a lesson for a better future. read more here:

and finally, the 2nd. part of the milestones series is coming up soon, so check out on me again soon.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mile stones of my photography - part 1

Hi everyone,
life has been pretty hectic lately. i have been away for the week and busy with a photography competition to which i would like to invite you all. there is some awesome work and you can vote for your favs.
there are 5 days left and the heat is on ! check it out.

now, i want to tell you the story behind this photo i decided to post today.
it goes like this; year is 2005, a provincial Argentinian bus terminal, a complete stranger. light is just right, reflected from the floor, iluminating her from below, background is darker, helping my subject stand out nicely. with the broken Spanish i spoke back then, i ask her permission. she blushes and agrees, none of us has been to such a strange situation before, i can tell by my heart beat. even though nervous, i manage to take some excellent shots of her and later we sit and talk for a while. a few weeks later we meet again and then again and again... then she moves in... we ended up together for nearly four and a half years. true story.
see you soon with the next part of my mile stones,

Monday, August 24, 2009

working from home a reality ?

Hi everyone,
my cousin is running a business on ebay for
a good while now. he's been trying to get me to learn the secrets and try it myself too until finally, a week ago today, i decided to bite the bullet. It all started with one phone call in which he mentioned a name of a college that teaches Internet income and ever since, i have been trying to figure out which of the endless options to make money from home, is the one for me.
I spend hours researching and reading, jumping from one window to another and i am amazed of how massive this industry is. i learned many important guidelines in this last week, there is actually a lot of work involved on the way to succeed and it takes a lot of patience. many would try and few would make it big. it takes a lot of belief and a lot of studying as the technical side involved can make all the difference. in the bottom line, it is no rocket science and anyone could try.
I decided to make an experiment and document my personal experience trying it, from my point of view. it will includee videos, some tips for those who are curious, some reports on how i'm doing and what iv'e learned and more.
I look forward to be sharing all this and more with you all.

Good luck to us all,


Saturday, August 22, 2009

From the heart of the Andes

While the bread is in the oven, i would like to tell you about Manora and Kalana Gerber. i had the fortune of taking photos for their web site back in 2007. Manora and Kalana left Germany and came to start a new life in Mendoza, Argentina with the guidence of their espiritual teacher. they left family, good jobs and Euro in order to establish and operate "centro de luz de los Andes" (center of light of the Andes), an espiritual center where people can learn about Feng-Shui, meditate, participate in seminars, take individual healing sessions and more. following the divine destiny given to them and not speaking the language, they had to endure a beaurocratic adventure, doing it all with a wide optimistic smile on their faces. Manora and Kalana became dear friends to me to whom i keep a very special corner in my heart.

The center is located in Mendoza, Argentina's capital of grape and wine. 900 mts. above sea level, at the feet of the Andes, Mendoza is an oasis in the desert caused by the rain shadow. annual rain fall is between 150 - 200 mm. and the city uses water that runs down from the mountains from melting snow and glaciers running in a system of channels that was built and first used by the native Indians centuries ago. the channels bring water to the rest of the province sometimes as far as 300 kms. from the mountain ranges. Mendoza enjoys an avarage of 330 sunny days a year, dry climate, beautiful surroundings, friendly people, cheap, good wines and more. is their web site in both Spanish and German.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trees for the world

I planted these little trees you can see in the photo and every now and then, i plant some more. there is no way to dig a hole in that desert rocky ground without using machinary so what i do is taking adventage of existing cracks, which result from the extensive tactonic activity which origins from just 3 Kms. away in the great rift valley (can be seen in the far right of the photo). all it takes is loosening the rocks and pulling them out (i bet i could reach the center of the earth if i keep on digging...).

The soil is very poor and salty. every tree is planted in almost 1 cubic meter of imported soil and irrigation is indispensable. due to climate change, even the 25 mm. of annual average of rain we used to get here is now down to about one fifth that.

A tree in this environment has to resist strong winds, extreme heat, grazing by Gazelle and Ibex, and its growing rate is less then half its potential (it could grow more then 50 % faster in favorable conditions.)

What has it all got to do with photography or why am i telling you all that ? well, it's only that i am hoping to be able to sit in the shade of these trees when i'm old to write this blog. it gets pretty hot out in the sun here !

A tree is a green spot in the bleak surroundings and can be spotted from miles, it makes living in this harsh environment more pleasurable.

In the bottom line,we all know that humanity needs trees these days almost as much as it needs water, so get out there and plant some !

The UNEP (united nations education programme) is running a campaign for 7 billion (!) trees planted before the end of the year.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Blog is under construction

welcome veryone !
my blog is currently being born and constructed. you witness the miracle of me learning about all this stuff there is to know.
i am pretty amazed myself and quite excited.
hope you come back again soon to see a nicely developed baby.
all the best,

express yourself

what's an artist without appreciation ?
Mercedes Sosa once said she sings because of her audience and not only for them.
we all need the feedback and criticism.
luckily for us, we now live in an era where thanks to internet we can expose are work further and faster and get to more people. we speak language, we have friends all around the globe and we even have some extra time on our hands.
would Paul Gauguin die sick, poor and exiled if he were to live today ?
even living in a village 80 Kms. from civilization, one can sit, connected to you all and share. almost anything.
i bring you this blog in order to share my passion for photography and as just another way to stay in touch with you all.
